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杨华中 博士 教授 清华大学电子工程系教授,博士生导师。中国科学院自动化研究所兼职教授, 美国电气工程师协会高级会员,2000年度国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。 中国北京市清华大学电子工程系 100084 电话: +86-10-62789670 传真:+86-10-62770317 电子邮箱: yanghz@tsinghua.edu.cn 教育背景 1967年7月,生于四川资阳 1989年6月,获清华大学微电子专业学士学位 1993年6月,获清华大学电路与系统专业学士学位 1998年5月,获清华大学电路与系统专业博士学位 1998年7月,晋升为清华大学电子工程系教授 研究领域 1、 微系统(SoC)芯片的新结构,主要包括:用于多媒体信息处理的可重构的数字系统结构,可重用芯核(IP),异步电路,模拟信号的并行处理 2、 微系统芯片的综合与验证,主要包括:电路的分块与识别,互连线的延时与噪声模型,混合信号系统的建模与综合方法 3、 模拟及混合信号系统设计 研究概况 目前正承担的国家级研究项目 1、 芯片的全系统仿真,国家重点基础研究发展规划(973),编号G1999032903 2、 微芯片系统(SoC)的关键技术,国家杰出青年基金,编号60025101 3、 模拟及混合信号系统的建模方法,国家自然科学基金,编号69973027 4、 智能电源电路类IP核,国家863计划,编号863-SOC-Y-2-7 国际项目 1、 深亚微米互连线噪声的快速估算,Magma设计自动化公司(加州,库比蒂诺市) 2、 NanoSpice与RCL网络约简,Anawork系统公司(加州,库比蒂诺市) 3、 功率芯片的MAST模型开发,Avant!公司(加州,弗来蒙特市) 学术成果 [1] Sekedi Kobenge, Huazhong Yang, A 250 KS/s, “0.8 V ultra low power successive approximation register ADC using a Dynamic rail-to-rail comparator,” IEICE Electronics Express, 2010, 7(4):261–267 [2] Bo Zhao, Xiaojian Mao, Huazhong Yang, Hui Wang, “A 1.41-1.72 GHz Sigma-Delta Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer with a PVT Insensitive VCO and a New Prescaler”, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2009.6, 59(3): 265-273 [3] Hong Luo, Yu Wang, Rong Luo, Huazhong Yang and Yuan Xie, “Temperature-aware NBTI Modeling Techniques in Digital Circuits”, IEICE Trans. on Electronics, 2009.6, E92C(6): 875-886. [4] Fei Qiao, Huazhong Yang, WANG Hui, “Low-standby-current and high-speed SAFF with improved conditional-precharge modules”, International Journal of Electronics, 2009.06, 96(6): 639–656. [5] Saihua Lin, Huazhong Yang, Rong Luo, “A new family of sequential elements with built-in soft error tolerance for dual-VDD systems”, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2008.10, 16(10): 1372-1384. [6] Yu Wang, Ku He, Rong Luo, Hui Wang, Huazhong Yang, “Two-phase fine-grain sleep transistor insertion technique in leakage critical circuits”, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2008.09, 16(9):1101-1113. [7] Hengyu Long, Yongpan Liu, Yiqun Wang, Robert Dick, Huazhong Yang, “Battery allocation for wireless sensor network lifetime maximization under cost constraints,” ICCAD 2009, San Jose, CA, pp.705-712 [8] Jue Wang, Beihua Ying, Yongpan Liu, Huazhong Yang, Hui Wang, “Energy Efficient Architecture of Sensor Network Node Based on Compression Accelerator,” GLSVLSI 2009, Boston, MA, pp.117-120 [9] Qian Ding; Yu Wang; Hui Wang; Rong Luo; Huazhong Yang; “Output Remapping Technique for Soft-Error Rate Reduction in Critical Paths,” ISQED 2008, San Jose, CA, pp.74-77 [10] Yongpan Liu, Huazhong Yang, Robert Dick, Hui Wang, Li Shang, “Thermal vs Energy Optimization for DVFS-enabled Processors in Embedded Systems”, ISQED 2007, San Jose, CA, pp. 204-209 [11] Yoshitaka Ueda, Mayumi Fujisawa, Shinji Furuichi, Mamoru Mukuno, Hideki Yamauchi, Fei Qiao, Huazhong Yang, “6.33mW MPEG audio decoding on a multimedia processor,” ISSCC 2006, San Francisco, CA, pp.414-415, 662 [12] Xiaojian Mao, Huazhong Yang, Hui Wang, “Behavioral Modeling and Simulation of Jitter and Phase Noise in Fractional-N PLL Frequency Synthesizer,” IEEE BMAS 2004, San Jose, CA, pp.25-30 出版图书 1. Yuyu Liu, Huazhong Yang, High-Speed Transceivers—Integrated Circuits Designs and Optical Device Techniques, World Scientific Pub. : Singapore, March 2006. 2. Huazhong Yang, Rong Luo, Hui Wang, Modeling Methodologies for System-on-Chip, Tsinghua Univ. Press : Beijing, 2003, In Chinese 3. Huazhong Yang, Hui Wang, Runsheng Liu, Automatic Synthesis Methodologies for Analog Integrated Circuits, Science Press : Beijing, 1999, In Chinese 4. Hui Wang, Huazhong Yang, Rong Luo, Computer Aided Analysis and Design Methods of Electric Circuits, Tsinghua Univ. Press : Beijing, 2008, In Chinese 专利 1. Huazhong Yang, Tao Jiang, Bandgap Reference with Multiple Points Curvature Compensation, ZL200610114282.3,2008.10.22 2. Huazhong Yang, Hong Luo, Yu Wang, Rong Luo, Hui Wang, A Method of Reducing the Power of On-Chip Memories, ZL200610057124.9,2009.04.02 3. Huazhong Yang, Beihua Ying, Wei Liu, Yongpan Liu, Hui Wang, An Data-Compression Criterion for Power Reduction of Wireless Sensor Networks, ZL200810238934.3,2009.10.21 4. Sekedi Kobenge, Huazhong Yang, An Ultra Low Power Time-Domain Comparator, ZL200810114513.X, 2010.01.20 (以上资料来自清华大学网站) |